Today I have been inspired by reading I Fought The Gorm to blog something. So I will blog to share how I use JDepend in an ANT target to fail the build if a package cycle is detected (yes I really hate circular dependencies ).
The basic logic of what the target does is:
Run JDepend to generate the XML data
Generate an HTML report
Run XSL to detect cycles in the XML data
Fail if cycles have been found.
The ANT target is:
<target name= "jdepend" depends= "-init"
description= "Run JDepend to detect cycles"
<!-- Run JDepend to collect data -->
<mkdir dir= "${}/jdepend" />
<jdepend outputfile= "${}/jdepend/mldef-jdepend.xml"
format= "xml"
<exclude name= "java.*" />
<exclude name= "javax.*" />
<pathelement location= "${}/dist/shared-${build.revision}.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${}/dist/datareceipt-DO-NOT-USE-${build.revision}.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${}/dist/webapp-DO-NOT-USE-${build.revision}.jar" />
<!-- Generate HTML report -->
<xslt in= "${}/jdepend/mldef-jdepend.xml"
out= "${}/jdepend/mldef-jdepend.html"
style= "${ant.home}/etc/jdepend.xsl"
<!-- Detect if cycles -->
<xslt in= "${}/jdepend/mldef-jdepend.xml"
out= "${}/jdepend/cycle-check.txt"
style= "${project.root}/build-stuff/ant/jdepend-cycles-check.xsl"
<!-- Fail if cycles -->
<fail message= "There are cycles in the packages, see ${}/jdepend/mldef-jdepend.html"
<length file= "${}/jdepend/cycle-check.txt"
when= "gt" length= "0"
The contents of jdepend-cycles-check.xsl
version= "1.0"
xmlns:xsl= ""
<xsl:output method= "text" indent= "no" />
<xsl:template match= "/JDepend" >
<xsl:apply-templates select= "Cycles/Package" />
<xsl:template match= "Cycles/Package" >
Cycle involving <xsl:value-of select= "@Name" />